The Buffalo Jewish Community Relations Council formed a four month intensive Racial Justice Working Group last summer. The group met bi-weekly learning about racial equity and justice issues (in the Jewish and larger community.)

Without judgement, Tema delivered a clear presentation we themed, “Jews of Color are Us.” Tema’s welcoming approach is based on Jewish value that all Jews are made in the image a G-d or a higher power. We all have worth. There was plenty of time for open and honest dialogue and questions. A member’s quote: Tema helped us realized how Ashkenormative (focused on Ashkenazi Eastern European experience) our Jewish community is and that to truly be a place of belonging, we need to make space to broaden our tent. If we don’t see Jews of Color in our communal spaces, it is not because they don’t exist. We have not provided a belonging space. We are eager to do the real work.

NB: Buffalo JCRC has created a standing racial justice sub-committee and is one of the inaugural JFNA’s Racial Justice cohort. This could not have happened without the caring expertise of Tema Smith.